It is a simple and a reliable trade copier. The Expert Advisor was developed to copy trades from one account (“Master” account) to another one (“Slave” account) in different trading terminals.

 The Expert Advisor is very easy-to-use, doesn’t require specifying paths to files, etc. You need only to enter the number of account, from which you wish to copy trades, and launch the very same Expert Advisor on the given account.

As you already know, the same Expert Advisor must be launched on both accounts. Note that you need to enter the number of account, which you’re going to copy trades from, in the “Account” parameter of the Expert Advisor, where trades will be copied to.

You can leave a lot size of the “Master” account unchanged (K_Lot=1) or multiply it by a “K_Lot” coefficient for your “Slave” account. For example, you want to decrease the lot size of the “Master” account by 10 times. To do it, you need to set the value of “K_Lot” to “0,1”.

The Expert Advisor allows inverting all the trades made on the “Master” account. You can do this by a “revers” parameter: if a buy trade is opened on the “Master” account, then the opposite trade, i.e. a sell trade, will be opened on the “Slave” account. The “revers” and “K_Lot” parameters are valid only for the Expert Advisor that is launched on the “Master” account.

The Expert Advisor has a “TimeOpen” parameter. It sets the time interval, during which an order may be opened. For example, if TimeOpen=10, and an order was opened at 09:00:00 on the “Master” account, then the order may be opened no later than at 09:00:10 on the “Slave” account. It will ensure that orders are not opened later, when the trend is over.

You need to pay your attention to the time displayed in a trading terminal. If the clock in the “Master” trading terminal runs behind the clock in the “Slave” trading terminal, then you need to add the difference in the time to the value of the “TimeOpen” parameter. For example, the time shown in the “Master” trading terminal is 12:00, and the time shown in the “Slave” trading terminal is 13:00 (the difference in time is one hour). It follows that we need to add 3 600 seconds to the time interval specified in the “TimeOpen” parameter.

I added an indication to control such orders. To turn the time control off, just enter “0” in the “TimeOpen” parameter.

If you wish to copy trades from several accounts, open the required number of charts and launch the necessary amount of copies of the Expert Advisor in the “Slave” trading terminal.





It is a demo version of the Expert Advisor. You should enter a key to start trading on a real account.

To learn more about how you can get the key, read the following article: How can I get a key for a Demo Expert Advisor?


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