The cm-Trade Info dashboard has four buttons, clicking on which the trader receives certain information.

After installation on the chart, the panel displays information on the number of orders and the total lot separately for each direction.


The panel is easily tolerated by the mouse anywhere in the graph.

Orders-when you press the button, the indicator will display the lines of the current orders on the chart. When hovering over the line, we will see information about the order number, its type and volume.

NL-shows the current breakeven levels in certain directions and the total breakeven.

History-when you click the button, we will see the trading history for the current pair for the day, week and month. In this case, the chart displays the lines connecting the opening and closing points of already closed positions, so you can analyze the trading history. The line name contains information about the order number, its type and volume.

Marketinfo-displays information about the main parameters of the currency pair, spread, stop level, allowable lots, and so on, only eleven parameters.

Let me remind you again that this is an indicator and you need to install it in the folder with indicators.

To discuss this indicator, to offer the author to make some improvements or just read the reviews of other users on the forum MT5, in the topic information indicator cm-Trade Info.

Информационный индикатор cm-Trade Info.


Cm-Trade Info
Cm-Trade Info
cm-Trade Info.rar
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