The expert Advisor shows all the instruments that are being or have ever been traded on this account in the form of a table.

Displays the current profit and the number of open positions for each pair. Shows which pairs of instruments are currently being traded on this account.
Shows the profit received for each pair over the past days, week, month, and total since the open history.
It helps you close positions for the entire account or for the selected pair. To do this, click on the field showing the profit for the desired pair or the total profit on the account. Then the adviser will ask a question and ask again if you really want to close everything.
Helps you switch between tool Windows.
The adviser can be used to combine other advisors into one whole. If the AutoClose parameter is set to a value greater than 0, the EA will close the total profit for all open positions. The value is set in the Deposit currency.

The adviser is free. If you need any additional features, I am ready to add them individually.